Originally Posted by jorgelito
I thought the adamantium is only in the retractable claws. The rest of Wolverine is regenerative flesh. Oh, God, the nerdiness is contagious......
Must resist uber nerdiness.......
Trying to fight it......
Power too strong, must give in..
Wolverine's entire skeleton was laced with Adamantium, redering his bones virtually unbreakable, courtesey of the Canadian Weapon X program. At some point, the adamantium was ripped out through his skin by Magneto in the Fatal Attractions crossover series. He also has three claws on each hand which until that time were believed to be pure Adamantium. When, the Adamantium was removed, however, it was revealed that his claws were bone, and therefore he must have been born with them. The Adamantium had laced these too, giving them the appearance of metal and rendering them virtually unbreakable as well.
Now where the hell is my pocket protecter?