CONDOM WARNING: Do not use any form of oil or grease as lube if you are using latex condoms.
Oils destroy the cross links in the latex polymer and weaken the condom.
condom warning do not use petroleum based lubricants...
butter is made from cream
and latex is not a polymer its a naturally occurring rubber and petroleum will destroy it...DO NOT USE VASOLINE
In all seriousness, though... NO. No no no no NO butter. Lube is far cheaper than butter anyway, and does not require refrigeration... and I'm very thankful for that.
Can you imagine slathering refrigerated lube on yourself?
One word: shrinkage.
where in gods name are you buying lube its 10 dollars a bottle here...and butter is 3.49 a stick... as for the slathering refrigerated lube on yourself....i'd think you'd have the common sense to warm it up