Originally Posted by dksuddeth
No, i'll respond.
1)Grenades are what the ATF classifies as DDs, or Destructive Devices, therefore they fall in to the category that requires a $200 tax stamp....on each grenade. No law abiding citizen is going to spend that kind of money on a grenade.
2) A grenade is not effective as a scare tactic if your primary goal is to survive the encounter. It's only effective as a 'denial' weapon....what I mean by that is if I'm surrounded, no gun/knife/stick or stone to use as a weapon, then I'm taking them out with me.
3) shoulder mounted missile? nuff said.
Thank you for a response.
1) Yes, they are expensive, but you only need one (as you'll probably never use it), so it's acytually cheaper than a gun.
2) Gernades are much scarier than guns. Also, if you want to survive the encounter, why use a gun? If the other party has a gun, then you opening fire is the most likely way to getm them to shoot at you.
3) The idea is that if mase and tasers are kinda scarey, and guns are quite scarey, that a weapon that is terrifying and even more overkill would be even better. My point was that all you really want to have is what you need, no more. Why use a gun when mase is sufficent is equatable to why use a bazooka when a gun is sufficient?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Well, I am from Northern Illinois where people do hunt, pheasants happen to be one of the things to hunt. I've seen a flock of pheasants take off. That alone can scare the crap out of you if you're not ready for it.
Sorry, I was just trying to be funny. If I'm the only one that laughed, that's sad.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Also, it has been my experience that, depending on what state you're in, the answers you get from the street cops compared to the appointees (police chiefs, etc.) are totally different in nature. You tend to get the straight truth from street cops instead of the 'politically correct' answers from the chiefs or mayors. Again, that does depend on where you're at. I wouldn't expect to hear San Fran cops tell people that a gun is the best choice, but here in Texas, they do.
Interesting how their responses are reflections of you and I. I think it'd be interesting if in San Francisco a gun wasnt a wise choice but in Texas it was. Sort of an "I'm right here and you're right there" thing.
Originally Posted by ratbastid
Ah! So we should all be packing flocks of pheasants!