Lots of people can be selfish... I wouldn't necessarily say either sex is more apt to be than the other, though it seems when women are selfish, it stands out more. I have no idea why, other than the relatively world-wide and historically-pervasive societal "norm" of female subservience which has finally started unraveling in a lot of cultures- certainly here in America.
To that end, it seems like the very idea of a selfish, uncaring woman goes against all the long-held beliefs that woman are the care-givers, the nurturers, the ones who are more in touch with their emotions (or simply just more emotional lol), etc.
At any rate- male or female, people value a person who exhibit strength... whether it's the strength of constant stability and control of emotions, the personal strength to share emotions with their partner. Both are different types of personal strengths, and not everyone agrees which is the "real" strength.
As for the OP's dilemma, I think this is more about your feelings than your emotions. You feel as though you're the only one who cares as much as you, you feel as though there's insufficient reciprocation of what you call "[relationship] duties"...
As far as I'm concerned, a good relationship needs communication, and expressing feelings is an integral part of communication- especially when you're expressing that you feel you're the only one actually "in" the relationship.