Originally Posted by Yakk
The Russian strain of Communism was atheistic, and it tortured, fought wars, killed, imprisoned and converted-by-force people who refused Communist docterine.
Originally Posted by analog
Atheists have never killed, fought wars, tortured, imprisoned, or converted-by-force any people that I am aware of, at any time, ever, in the name of "there is no God".
Was their cause of converting people to
Communism, or to atheism? I believe the entire intent was to forcibly convert people to
Communism- one part of that overall societal structure being an abolishment of religion.
Saying that is an example of atheists forcibly converting, is like saying the Church of England is responsible for any spread of the British Monarchy after it was made the official religion- we're talking about a conversion of societal structure as a whole, more about the economic and governing powers. If those in power believed in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, it wouldn't change the fact at all that it was
Communism that was being forced on people, the center of the killings and violence. Atheism was just a part of the package that came with their brand of communism.