Originally Posted by ngdawg
I should buy a few, switch the robes to black leather and sell them as Bikers for Christ dolls.....
That is awesome NG!! I would totally buy one from you if you could make one. Actually, I think it would be totally cool to have a whole series of Jesus:
corporate Jesus - Jesus wearing a business suit with a cell pone and briefcase
hippy Jesus - tie dye and Birkenstocks, maybe carrying a pint of Ben & Jerry's
sports Jesus - sports uniform and sneakers
hip-hop Jesus - self explanatory
Chinese Jesus
Barista Jesus - you know, wearing the Starbucks garb, dispensing verses with lattes
etc. etc.
NG, you could also alter the stuff he says to more universal and neutral lines.
Like "Be nice to others" or the hippy Jesus could say "Peace brother" - I don't think any of those type of quotes would be offensive.
You know, come to think of it, I remember a few years back I bought one of those Mcfarlane figurines, the Jesus one for my friend for secret Santa. They also make a Noah and Moses too.
Originally Posted by Lady Sage
Perhaps they could donate the mounds of talking prophets to churches to pass out with the christmas baskets of needy families?
That's a good idea too. It seems to make the most sense.