Originally Posted by sasKuach
But seriously, your views are not really valid for I'd say 85% of the population, depending on where you go. Sure, in sunny hip Cali, you might find lots of joggers and yuppies who practice martial arts, but not that's the exception. I'm sorry, but put most people in a fight with a knife-wielding attacker or two, and they're gonna shit themselves. I wouldn't put any money on them. So yeah, you confidently say "No way, Jose." That's GREAT. I'm not as confident in my abilities, so I'll be happy if I can pull out that steel and squeeze away.
Steel kills. How do you feel about mse or a taser?
Originally Posted by sasKuach
Peppers are for food, not a weapon. A pair of $5 snorkel goggles is as good as armor against pepper spray. Add some thick winter clothing and a taser is going to be marginal at best. When you have an inexpensive tool that can engage multiple threats, possibly at range, fit in my hand, and is easily concealable, let me know.
When criminals star sporting speedo goggles during hold=ups, then pepper spray will no longer be a valuable tool. Until then it's good both on eggs and as a deterrant and a way to neutralize a threat. As someone who has been tased, let me tell you that a thick pair of jeans and a leather jacket won't protect you at all. Unless the guy is wearing a rubber diving suit (are you heald up by divers?), you'll be fine with a taser. Pepper spray is quite cheap, and tasers are damned effective. BTW, tasers are comparably priced to guns, so the price argument is a bit moot.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
Also, I don't see where you guys are going with whole "choice" thing. Sure, I pull the trigger. Great. So what? If a dumpster comes rolling at me down a hill, stepping out of the way is a choice. Everything is a choice. My choice will always be one that puts me on top the easiest, so for me, it's not really a choice. If there was an "Easy Button" like in the Staples ad, I'd use that instead of the gun. Really.
The choice is non-lethal force vs. lethal force.