Will, you've said yourself that your mind is a weapon, and from what you've told us so far, are you sure you're California-Legal? I mean, you should at least have to register yourself and be required to lock your hands up at night.
All joking aside, your reasoning is sound... for somebody who could kick Chuck Norris's butt blindfolded
But seriously, your views are not really valid for I'd say 85% of the population, depending on where you go. Sure, in sunny hip Cali, you might find lots of joggers and yuppies who practice martial arts, but not that's the exception. I'm sorry, but put most people in a fight with a knife-wielding attacker or two, and they're gonna shit themselves. I wouldn't put any money on them. So yeah, you confidently say "No way, Jose." That's GREAT. I'm not as confident in my abilities, so I'll be happy if I can pull out that steel and squeeze away.
And sure, you can give in to their demands, but who's to say that'll placate them? How far do you go with their demands? Where do you draw the line? That's how 100's of people sit quietly in a plane as it's rammed into a building. That attitude isn't an option for me.
And you guys go on and on about "boo hoo, why kill the poor criminal" with absolutely no regard for the safety of ordinary folks. As I get over that churning feeling in my stomach, lemme put you in the role of an average thug, getting ready to decide which of two houses to rob. If you knew fairly certainly that one house had a few guns in it and the inhabitants trained, while the other didn't, which house would you break into? It's that simple. People are scared to die. They don't have to die to be affected by that fear. Think of it like training. They hear of a bunch of their buddies getting iced, they shit themself and give up. At least if they're smart. Uping the stakes more is hardly worth it for pocket change.
Peppers are for food, not a weapon. A pair of $5 snorkel goggles is as good as armor against pepper spray. Add some thick winter clothing and a taser is going to be marginal at best. When you have an inexpensive tool that can engage multiple threats, possibly at range, fit in my hand, and is easily concealable, let me know.
Also, I don't see where you guys are going with whole "choice" thing. Sure, I pull the trigger. Great. So what? If a dumpster comes rolling at me down a hill, stepping out of the way is a choice. Everything is a choice. My choice will always be one that puts me on top the easiest, so for me, it's not really a choice. If there was an "Easy Button" like in the Staples ad, I'd use that instead of the gun. Really.