Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I can't be arsed to read over this entire thread, but I'd just like to say that it's impossible to be a 'Christian' and believe in Biblical errancy. It'd be like me calling myself a Muslim but rejecting part of the Koran's teachings. Religion's an "All-or-nothing" kind of deal. It's not a salad buffet where you pick and choose what you want and don't want.
It is possible because there are Christians who don't believe in Biblical inerrancy.
Many people do treat their religion as a pick and choose what benefits them type of thing. I understand that you think Christians shouldn't do this, but that doesn't change the fact that many do.
Some religions even encourage this. Shintoists don't actually have to believe in any of the spiritual aspects of the religion to be members of the religion. Participation in certain rituals is enough.