Originally Posted by analog
I can't recall the last time i've ever had an atheist try and convert me away from religion, or have ever heard of it. At best, what I see is when they and "theists" start talking, somehow something about God or religion is envoked. While I'll grant you there are certainly many atheists who make it their life's work to denounce a higher power and spread their opinion to others, i'd readily (and I think easily) argue that there are FAR more religious people who do exactly the same on behalf of THEIR beliefs. WAY more. Atheists have never killed, fought wars, tortured, imprisoned, or converted-by-force any people that I am aware of, at any time, ever, in the name of "there is no God". If i'm wrong, I welcome the education.
The Russian strain of Communism was atheistic, and it tortured, fought wars, killed, imprisoned and converted-by-force people who refused Communist docterine.
Removing one non-rational belief pattern (supernatural power) from play does not prevent someone from using a different pattern (materialist historical predestination) and committing the same kind of horrible mass sins on its behalf.