Hiredgun, just because they have a network does not mean said network garners any actual influence.
I believe most decisions are made by looking at the political and social facts. Israel is the strongest democracy in the Middle East. Israel was a faithful partner throughout the Cold War in balancing the Soviet's influence over Syria/Iraq, as well as over Egypt.
While many political problems are caused by Israel, such as Lebanon, very few people will argue against it. If we were getting daily attacks from Mexico, and the Mexican Government refused to stop it, I guarantee you that we would invade to stop it. Israel had put up with these attacks for the last 20 years, MUCH longer than ANY country would put up with.
I think it is simply that this lunatic fringe group comes up with the same conclusion, with DRASTICALLY different methods of calculations. This, in turn, can easily be seen as the primary (or at least influencing) reason for the US-Israeli support by those who oppose it. It's as inane as saying OBL wants the Dems to win because they promise to withdraw from Iraq. While their goals are the same, the reasons have nothing to do with each other.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas