Originally Posted by fresnelly
I wonder if the Haitian dude is the same as the Horn-Rimmed Dad's mind wiping sidekick.
That's certainly the implication. Though how they'd know he's Hatian is beyond me. As far as I can recall, he's never spoken, and even if he had, a Hatian accent isn't easy to identify. Until they said "Hatian" last night, I was guessing he was African.
Originally Posted by fresnelly
I wonder if Hiro is fated to fail at saving Memory Girl's Life, no matter how many times he tries. Powerful stuff if they have a blooming romance in the past. I found it curious that he was off camera in the Bathroom during her death.
Well, there are a couple things I'm thinking about that.
He didn't come back to his starting point in space/time. That might mean he dies in his mission to save the girl (unlikely, since we know he makes it to some future in which he speaks decent English and carries a sword). That might mean he's unable to come back to that specific time for some reason--either his awkwardness with his powers, or something about that time (or about Syler?) that prevents him coming back to it.
It also could be that he causes a rift by going back to save the girl. He mentioned "risking causing a rift" during his visit from the future in the subway. Maybe he causes a rift and can't get back to where he started from. Maybe this is where he learns about rifts. What if he's in an alternate timeline from now on? What if he's stuck there? That would fit the comic book ethos of the show--an "Infinite Earths" homage. He didn't look entirely happy in the birthday photo.