Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
To get on-topic, though, I can't but laugh at the blatant hypocrisy of some athiests. They spend their time pointing the finger at hardcore theists yet they spend far too much time trying to prove that God doesn't exist (See, flying spaghetti monster) or even trying to remove all references to God from society (See, pledge of allegiance).
Theists try to spread their beliefs while athiests try to do the same. So what's the point in all this useless bickering?
I can't recall the last time i've ever had an atheist try and convert me away from religion, or have ever heard of it. At best, what I see is when they and "theists" start talking, somehow something about God or religion is envoked. While I'll grant you there are certainly many atheists who make it their life's work to denounce a higher power and spread their opinion to others, i'd readily (and I think easily) argue that there are FAR more religious people who do exactly the same on behalf of THEIR beliefs. WAY more. Atheists have never killed, fought wars, tortured, imprisoned, or converted-by-force any people that I am aware of, at any time, ever, in the name of "there is no God". If i'm wrong, I welcome the education.
However, when I compare that side-by-side with most of the major religions on the planet who HAVE done all those things at some point in time, and continue to give people shit for not believing as they do, atheists don't pan out nearly as "equally" in terms of how they believe.
I was downtown for Halloween this year, and passed by a corner with about 20 people standing around, in the cold (yeah it was actually kind of cold even here in florida), with giant signs- some of them with megaphones- proclaiming how we're all going to hell for observing Halloween. How it's a pagan holiday and this and that and blah blah blah. The point is, while those are obviously the more "fervent" (to put it nicely) of their kind and not indicative of the whole...
...could you ever imagine ANYTHING of a truly comparitive sort being perpetrated by "atheists"? Even the most outspoken/fervent ones? People of religious belief are often compelled to try and convert a person because they believe 1. they're doing good, and/or 2. they believe you are a lesser/evil/bad person for NOT believing as they do.
I've never encoutered a situation where an atheist was condescending, rude, or treated someone as a lesser person because they DID have religious beliefs- but I encounter interactions all the time where people are looked down upon because they express they are either wiccan, pagan, atheist, agnostic, or simply not the same religion as the other, "theist", person with whom they're talking.
I'm Catholic, btw, if that puts anything I've written into better perspective than if you thought I was atheist.