I have an expectation of the Mars Volta that I also have of bands such as Radiohead, to name one. These are two examples of artists whose respective progressions of music (albums, live concerts, etc) tend to produce constantly shifting experiments that follow no cohesive trends or genres. These bands attempt to build and explore musical paths, not adhere to one indefinitely. At least, as I said, that is my personal outlook on music.
Which brings me to Amputechre:
I gave it several listens and tried really hard to find something unique. Lyrically, as expected, Cedric delivers. All kinds of cryptic religious references and assorted weirdness. Apart from that, I think that the album is immensely overproduced and ,for lack of a better phrase, too structured. Deloused... and Francis the Mute displayed experimentation and differentiation from the norm through some of the most meticulous and complex musicianship of the time. Amputechre fails to expand upon the band's talent and opts instead for an easily accessible, simple (considering their abilities) sound that is a poor testament to what a band like this can create. This album should have been weirder.