Several cats...
Michelle Lady Lump-A-Lot, she's 10 years old, she's been with me over half of my life so the name developed from the time I was 8 till present. Used to call her dirt dobber, then dumplin, lump, lady lump and so forth.
Cali - Calico kitty, real originai I know :-p my mom named them, they're my replacements for when I moved out
Greycie - Grey cay, real original I know :-p
Shadow - Black kitty
Rusty - Orange cat, he's hip
Brittney, Orange American short-hair whom turned into Billy when he went to get fixed..whoops? Billy, Billy-Bob, Mr. Boot Boot, Boot Boot, Boots etc
Brittney and Michelle were my sister and I's original cats from our childhood, unfortunately Michelle is the only one left, the kittens were additions. Billy became coyote food