Originally Posted by World's King
If there is a pic of you on the internet you will get hit on.
Get over it.
Quoted for truth. Whenever a pic of you is made available, someone somewhere is going to sexualize it. Now, that doesn't mean you shouldn't get offended- but you shouldn't be that surprised, either.
The thing i've always found is to know my limits. A LOT of people have no idea how to know where the "limits" are, and that's why a lot of people say things that are tactless and inappropriate- they just can't read the situation and respond correctly.
For me, I'm a person who has close friends, and just my personality alone allows me to get away with practically anything. My fondest memory is receiving a sincere "thank you" from a friend of mine, while amongst horrified gasps of those around us at my comment. He'd said, "oh hey, I have a picture [of the baby]", and showed me a picture of his wife holding their newborn son- and I replief, "your wife's hot".
We had the greatest laugh because everyone else nearby thought I was a tactless asshole for saying so, but it's me- they know I don't really mean it like that. They know I say things for the comedy, and they just know me as a person.
Now, if it were a stranger and it was a totally non-sexual picture, i'd likely hold off on my $0.02 about her looks.
Some are not so thoughtful/considerate.