Man, tonight's episode was JAM PACKED! I thought we had to be getting close to the end of the episode--and I checked the time to find it was only 9:35!
So many revelations! Perhaps Horn Rim Man isn't evil? Certainly he's conflicted, and willing to do nasty things to further his goals.
Hiro's gone back to cute memory girl's birthday!? He was only supposed to go back one day. And where did he end up?
No Niki, DL, Mikah. Sort of a relief--I was a little bored with that story line, but now that I've missed them for a week, I'm ready for Jessica to come in there guns a blazing next week. Think DL can morph himself around a speeding bullet?
No Flying Petrelli Brothers, either! This whole episode focussed on Matt, Isaac and Hiro. This may be a good sign for the show; I've been concerned that the pace of revelation and character-meeting might be too fast to be sustainable through the entire season. If they start zeroing in on certain characters for certain episodes, it's a way to slow down the narrative pace without dampening the excitement of the show.