Originally Posted by sasKuach
1) you stand still = you die.
Okay, let's break this down. Someone is coming at you with a knife. There are only a few reasons someone would do this: theft, feeling threatened, assault, and madness. The first two would mean that if you stood still, you'd be fine. The second and third would be toss ups, maybe you'd be fine, maybe you wouldn't. Either way, it's an option.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
2) you fight (unarmed) = you die (especially if he has a 6" knife and an accomplice)
If the guy had several years of martial arts training and his buddy was a hell of a shot, maybe. If not, no way, Jose. I'd have no problem disarming most people, and at most might get a cut on my outer forearm. I take responsibility for myself by being trained in martial arts in case I ever need it. Odds are, I live.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
3) you run = a good plan most of the time
I run, I LIVE, you mean.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
4) you shoot him = he dies (and you ONLY possibly die if he has an accomplice)
What is it with you people and thinking it's okay to kill people? "Oh help me! My life is in danger! Whoa is me! I need a weapon of massive power to feel safe!" You don't need a gun to be safe. You need to feel safe without a gun to be reasonable.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
That's about how I see it. Now toss into that mix all the people who couldn't run. Your grandmother, kids, the disabled, hell even your mother. I can outrun my mother if I'm running backwards. Run those choices by them and see which is the better fit.
All the people who can't run can have mase or a taser. Probem solved. Non-lethal weapons are legal pretty much everywhere and run an infantesimal risk of fatility.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
NO, I do NOT!! I would avoid it if at all possible. It's NOT my choice to be attacked. Sure, it's my choice (nah, it's my human right, actually) to defend myself. And it IS your choice; nobody is forcing you to. If you want to carry around a shotgun filled with bean bag rounds, just try it.
You have just made it very clear that if your life is threatened, you will not look to an alternative to shooting someone. I mean why bother trying not to kill someone if you feel that you have no choice but to kill if you feel threatened? It's a way to release all guilt, but guilt is a necessary human emotion. It keeps you from commiting immoral acts.
I'm not arguing that you don't have the right to defend yourself. Neither is Ch'i. No one is. Defend yourself if you are in danger. Just don't go Rambo and kill everyone.