Originally Posted by sasKuach
Yeah, let's not forget the thousands of lives that guns save each year.
How can you prove a gun saved your life? I mean you could say that it
potentially save a life, but how could you prove it? Also, do you have any statistics (not including military or police) that cover how many lives that guns 'save' a year?
Originally Posted by sasKuach
Sure guns are made for killing peoplle,
but that's necessary sometimes;
That's completly wrong, and that fundanemntal philosophical difference between you and I is where our argument lies. I'm responsible for my life and my life alone. I'm responsible for the safety of others, but never with their lives. In order to take someone else's life, you take responsibility for their life and that's wrong. It's like the worst and most fundanemtnal kind of theft. They are responsible for their lives.
Originally Posted by sasKuach
There is one elitist wacho I know that thinks that people who can't defend themselves are weak and shouldn't expect to survive. Never mind that this includes almost everybody who's female, younger than 15, or older than 60.
Defend the safety of the weak. Don't kill. Those two commandments can coexist, and that's where I stand.