I think it would depend on the context of the photo. I fully expect "sexual" comments if the picture can be construed in anyway as "sexual" and no it doesnt bother me because...well because Im me lol and to me "sexual" comments are more flattering than.."oh shannon what great lighting you used"..Im not one to get all excited about the "photography" issues of a picutre, which is why you dont usually see lots of submissions from me in the photography section.
Its like with the exhibition section...to me exhibition is not "body as art" its showing off...unless its on TFP lol...but this isnt my place and it isnt my rules....and my mama always taught me to respect another houses rules. If I want to see "body as art" I'll go to a museum or something. If I want to "show off" I just know I need to do it somewhere else.
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!