Originally Posted by willravel
That's a really great way to enter a conversation. People really are more likely to listen to you if you call their points dead horseshit. I know it's put me in a great mood.
Well, somebody listened. I really doubt the points I ragged on are original to anyone on TFP, so I don't see the offense in this.
3) Private militia. Mercenaries organizaed into private para-military organizations. These aren't government lapdogs, but they are usually considered to be extreemists, and are unlikely to be considered the "all able bodies adults" you speak of.
What some consider them changes nothing.
Bombers are the only effective weapon against military superpowers, and the past 10 years of history proves it. How effective were rifles against the Unibomber? How effective were rifles against the Oklahoma City bombing? The USS Cole? You can't fight what you can't see.
On the same token, how effective would a B-52 or nuke have been? It's widely known that airpower and wmd's can't conquer anything. Same for armor. You need guys on the ground with guns for that. A revolt or insurgency is a far different game than conquering a superpower.
It was hardly sensationalized when my best firend was shot.
I'm sorry about your friend. But you misunderstood me as denying the existence of gun violence. I'm saying it is blown out of proportion. The people I knew that died as a result of car accidents, fire, home/work accidents, and illness outnumber those that were shot by SEVERAL ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE.
Hell, more people die from falling (or drowning?) IN THEIR HOMES than from guns. However, I don't see any angry forum posts about those. This leads me to believe that the confiscation of guns is for a higher purpose than safety, which is the common reason... I fully support the war in Iraq and Afgahnistan, but what are US troops doing there? Disarming insurgents, that's what. That's the first step.