Originally Posted by Gilda
Unacceptable can be criticism, but given this clarification, I can see that you didn't mean it in that way.
You say you don't think it works. I'd say that would depend on the person and the situation. It's a philosophy that works very well for me. It probably wouldn't be a good life philosophy for a soldier or a boxer, which, among many other reasons, means that those wouldn't be good jobs for me. Fortunately, my profession is one in which I think it's entirely reasonable to expect will never involve violence of any kind. Given who I am as a person and my job situation, it works well.
Well given your above post, I'm gonna be more agreeable to your p.o.v. too.

There are PLENTY of situations, probably even most, where responding with violence is totally unnecessary and just makes matters worse. But the "tone" of your very first post made me think that the hypothetical situation you posed was a more dire situation since you were talking about protecting loved ones, adults and children; and in a dire situation where me or my loved ones are being violently attacked, my killer instinct kicks in and I go "crazy" ...as has been described to me by observer friends who hadn't seen that side of me. Kinda funny, I posted details of a confrontation from several months ago and even the normally macho image guys said they crawled under their desks just reading how I reacted.
I wish I had more faith in humanity. But I believe we are doomed to eternal imperfection, not because of any religious concept I believe in, just because we are ...well... human. So there will always be those among us that resort to violence to satisfy their greed. Sorry, but I believe we'd be better off without them. Love love love