Originally Posted by THExBOY
I could talk for hours on this topic. but I will try to keep it short.
for those saying that Sony and Microsoft have been outselling Nintendo, it has not. they may have outsold the gamecube but Nintendo has sold more DS's then any other system ever. handheld or consol. Nintendo has beed makeing money year after year while Sony and Microsoft have been loseing money with there systems. The only reson they are still around is because they are just a small part of large corperations.
The fact that PS3 and X-Box 360 have HD meand nothing. They are just like there previos systems with beeft up graphics. Almost all the games that I've seen for PS3 or X-Box have looked like all the other games they put out on there previus systems. While the Wii is trying to appiel to a hole new demographic. They are pulling in the casual gammers while still appeling to the hard-core gammer.
The Wii is also giveing us free online gameing (like they did with the DS) and they have the capasity to bring the DS into the Wii games. like they did with FFCC and Zelda Four Swords on GC.
The one thing that I did not see mentiond is that The Wii will have no load times in there games. They have is setup so that all the Wiis that are online will feed off eachother. When your system is not in use it will be connectied to all the others over the nintendo WIFI incrasing the systems speed and power.
sorry for the long rant but ther was so much to talk about.
Nintendo hasn't sold more DSs than any other console, ever. The PlayStation itself has sold 100 million units. Quite a bit more than the DS' figure of 25 million.
PS3 and Xbox 360 games will not look like PS2 and Xbox games. Sorry. It might take a while to tweak the PS3 programming and get truly amazing graphics, but games like Gears of War for 360 are already pushing the boundaries of next-gen. You won't find Gears of War graphics on PS2 or Xbox.
Wii doesn't "pull power from other Wiis over the WIFI." It will not increase the system's speed or power. It features WiiConnect24, which does keep the Wii connected via WIFI 24 hours a day; however, it only serves a purpose of receiving messages and updates during the Wii hours

of the morning.
Lastly, Wii will have load times. The press statement about Wii not having loads times was referring to the Virtual Console. I'd hope a next-generation console loading the original Zelda wouldn't have load times.