Originally Posted by willravel
The government grants nothing. It enforces the Constitution, which secures my inaliable rights.
Is THAT what you think the governments been doing for the last 75 years?
The government does NOT enforce the constitution, it's been finding ways to undermine it since the civil war. The constitution can only secure your rights as long as you're willing to fight to keep it in being. Otherwise it's just a damn piece of paper.
Originally Posted by willravel
Okay, I'll admit that being unwilling to use firearms does not exclude me from being an active member in a rebelion. I'm very good at game theory, I can probably make bombs, and, again, people listen to me. Not only that, but I'm a pretty good martial atrist. That's all useless, of course, because I'm a pacifist. I cannot and will not fight because I understand that all this posturing and fighting and bullshit feeds itself. War begits war, and if no one is willing to say, "No", then it will continue and our posterity will have to deal with it. I'm not interested in handing war ideals down to my daughter's generation.
As for my responsibility to maintain a free state, I do a shitload. Again, I have a really big mouth. I'm like a politican without power or responsibility. A lot of people listen to me and take what I say very seriously. I'm vocal in my community, and I'm vocal internationaly. I'm one of those people that everyone likes (not because I'm fake, but because I'm as genuine as possible). Also, I'm humble. Heh. Seriously, though, Ghandi never used a weapon and he was one of the most important political figures of the past 100 years. I'm not equating myself with Ghandi, just following a good example.
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." — Mahatma Ghandi
Ghandi is also known for answering a question from a highschool girl about what she should do if someone was pointing a gun at her, he said that if someone is pointing a gun at you, it would make sense to use a gun also to defend yourself.
Will, how long do you think you will be able to run your 'big mouth' if the government, with guns, wants to silence you?