Originally Posted by BadNick
I'm trying to decide if I expressed criticism of pacifism. I said "...but that is an unacceptable concept to me." Is disagreement the same as criticism? I don't think so. I strongly disagree with the concept of absolulte pacifism, but I don't criticize it or my friends who are believers. I wish it worked because it would be a better, more admirable solution. I just don't think it works. 
Unacceptable can be criticism, but given this clarification, I can see that you didn't mean it in that way.
You say you don't think it works. I'd say that would depend on the person and the situation. It's a philosophy that works very well for me. It probably wouldn't be a good life philosophy for a soldier or a boxer, which, among many other reasons, means that those wouldn't be good jobs for me. Fortunately, my profession is one in which I think it's entirely reasonable to expect will never involve violence of any kind. Given who I am as a person and my job situation, it works well.