Charlatan, none taken. Based on what you've read, what has made you arrive at that conclusion? I ask because you're not the first person I've heard that from.
Mantus, very good points.
1) You're absolutely right about that, but most guys I know have a formula that wouldn't work one bit if any variable changed. I thought I knew what it was that attracted women, but some here are saying that it's really just friendship behavior.
2) I would prefer if women packed guns as opposed to fucking with guy's heads.

Not saying you're wrong or anything...
5) Sounds to me like you're telling me basically to keep plugging away at it and not giving up in the face of terrible odds. I mean, that's pretty much what I've been doing: respecting their choices and getting very frustrated in the process. Any tips on not letting this get to me?
PS: There are no girls in my life at all. I can't really "let it happen" like I used to be able to. Any ideas how I can change this? I feel the biggest challenge I have is that I meet girls once and never see them again. I don't have girls I see regularly (on the bus, in class, work, etc) that can warm up to me over time like I used to. Sure, I have some ideas for what I'll do once I finish school, but I'd appreciate any suggestions I can get.