This thread got interesting when Jess added that last bit. However, I have to step in and say one thing.
If you want to run for office, run under your own values. If all you are is some puppet, bending your own values to meet the expectations of your constituents, then you are.. well.. nothing special. What is the definition of a politician? Someone who presents themselves to be society's most obediant bitch?
If I am voting someone ahead of myself (which means, to me, giving someone OTHER THAN MYSELF a vote of confidence to do the right thing) then I am voting for them based on what their decisions WOULD BE if they had to wing it. Now, who do you want for a leader; someone who is not true to themselves, or someone with a real drive and passion for the policies they enforce?
This is what is ridiculous about politics. There are no leaders, only slimy businessmen sucking on the teat of public opinion.