Originally Posted by debaser
Interesting, your dislike of the military seems to be based on it's effect on our government, rather than a fear of it being used against the citizenry. I had never looked at it from that perspective.
I am 100% for a domestic military that consists of volunteers that have normal jobs and do military training on weekends and such. The National Guard is a really good idea, and I support it's existence...but yes, I am against the existence of a standing military because of the effects it has on government and polulace alike.
Originally Posted by debaser
The government does not know that I own firearms, there is no registration where I live.
Also, refer to the my comments on deterence above. The fact that there are firearms owned is enough to keep the government honest.
Fair enough on the registration point, but anyone who understands high school chemestry can build a home made bomb. I have no plans of ever blowing up anything for any reason, and yet I do own all the right elements to make a fairly powerful explosive. And even if you don't know hgow to make the stuff, there are movies that outline the creation exactly. Have you ever seen Terminator or Fight Club? That's all you really need...and I suspect that entertainment media will be legal long after free speech would be gone.
You don't really need guns to protect yourself from the military, and the second ammendment doesn't even cover rebelion.