Originally Posted by Intense1
It all goes back to this: liberals say that they believe that everyone has the right to live as they wish, but not when it comes to those who are not yet ready to out themselves, especially if they are republicans. Gay republicans are in jeopardy of being outted if they do not believe in the gay marriage agenda - and there are many.
Many gays do not support the whole "gay marriage" agenda - check out Tammy Bruce, for an example http://www.tammybruce.com/.
Liberals want to give people privacy, all right. Until it cuts across their own agenda....
Tammy Bruce= fringe and flawed.......
Last night, my wife and I watched this:
Two of the fathers of dead US soldiers were so shattered that they did not speak in front of the camera....they left it to their wives to try to put their loss into words. One mother said that she knew her son's (killed in Iraq) saliva was on the lip of the envelope flap of his "last letter home", and knowing that gave her a feeling of contact with him.
Several "next of kin" said that, when the military chaplain and two soldiers in dressed in "class "A"s, appeared at their door to "inform them", they reasoned that, if they did not let them in the house, their soldier would not be dead.
My wife has not heard anything from her deployed son in the last 14 days.
Watching "Last Letters Home", last night, I tried to imagine how we would cope with "a knock on the door".....it something that I hadn't thought of, before. None of the dozen changing, "reasons" that president Bush has "communicated", to justify his invasion and occupation of Iraq, or continued US and NATO "presence", in Afghanistan, is IMO, worth one drop of blood of any American soldier, nor one tear of a grieving loved one.
If Tammy Bruce is "so sure", she should enlist in the military herself, and spare another soldier, a fourth "rotation" into "service" in Iraq. I find her role as propagandist chearleader for a war criminal POTUS, an affront to what most of us now know.
<b>Just read my "sig" at the bottom of this post.....</b>
PRESIDENT BUSH – Overall Job Rating in recent national polls
Newsweek 11/9-10/06 31%.......63%
The Death of Right and Wrong
Tammy Bruce
Tuesday, April 8, 2003
I have been fascinated watching the meltdown of today’s Leftists as they lose their collective mind over the war to liberate the Iraqi people. I was wondering how long it would take for the left to publicly expose their betrayal of principles they have touted for so long.
This war is made, through and through, of the stuff the caring, compassionate, “I’m-for-the-Underdog” Superhero for the Victimized and Disenfranchised Left wing of American politics has always claimed as its realm. Finally, through their own actions, the lie of the morally superior Left has been exposed.
On its face, the condemnation by the Left Elite of a war that represents the classical liberal principle of freeing and empowering people, ending violence and tyranny, seems inexplicable. But it’s not.
As I explain in my new book, “The Death of Right and Wrong: Exposing the Left’s Assault on Our Culture and Values” (Crown Forum, April 22, 2003), today’s supposed protectors of individual liberty are no longer able to act on principle or on doing the right thing because, for them, there is no right thing. The scourge of moral relativism rules the day for the Left Elite and commands the rejection of the most basic notions of right and wrong, good and evil.
Ranging from maniacal street protests to vile anti-America diatribes on award shows and news programs by celebrities, Leftists still protest a war which even they know will be ridding the world of a barbaric regime which oppresses, tortures and murders its own people. Women and children, the heralded domain of the feminist establishment, have never been safe from Saddam Hussein’s tyrannical reign, and have experienced the most horrific of lives – which included rape rooms and other torture chambers.
It has been nothing short of obscene to listen to the rantings of Leftists claiming the war should stop to “save Iraqi babies.” In fact, it is only this war that will finally save those babies.
How dare American feminists in particular oppose this action. They didn’t even have the moral footing to voice support for Operation Iraqi Freedom when Hussein’s thugs began using children and pregnant women as human shields for soldiers and as hostages in homicide car bombings.
It is in his nature to defile and destroy life. We’re now finding out it is in the nature of the Feminist and Gay Elite to not care as they bow to the God of Moral Relativism.
That’s why the war to liberate Iraq, and the reasoning behind it, is such a threat to the Left – specifically because it highlights a moral standard of decency, a standard which is universal and cuts across religious and political grounds. It reminds Americans and everyone else of the value of acting on what’s right and just.
And judgment! That, of all actions, is the greatest sin in the bacchanalian world of the Left. In their moral void, anything which exemplifies virtue and values must be condemned. This is why – even at the expense of the lives of innocent people in Iraq and the frames of minds of our soldiers – they so selfishly condemn and still work to stop the liberation of Iraq.
It is also why, I predict, the Left in this country will work to stall, demean and politically sabotage the postwar rebuilding effort. While that also doesn’t make much sense for the ‘compassionate’ arm of American politics, we know now that it’s not about what’s right – it’s about them, and their reliance on the death of right and wrong.
In the effort to secure a culture the Left wrongly thinks needs to be void of values for their lifestyles to thrive, the Iraqi people are to be sacrificed. Because it would inconvenience the Left to no end should personal responsibility and values come back into vogue.
When you consider the recent track record of the Left when it comes to important social issues, their rejection of action that will save lives and make the world a better place doesn’t seem so out of character. In “The Death of Right and Wrong,” I describe the world as defined by the leaders of the Left Elite, where:
* Murdering your children isn’t murder if you’re a woman – it’s postpartum depression.
* Sex addiction, compulsion and promiscuity aren’t problems if you’re gay – they’re part of an “alternate lifestyle.”
* Murdering a police office isn’t murder if you’re black – it’s a “heroic” act.
* Vandalizing, degrading or mocking the symbols of a religion is only a hate crime if the object is Islam or Judaism. If the target is Christianity, it’s “art.”
* Murdering 3,000 American civilians isn’t terrorism if the murderers are Muslims – it’s the Freedom Fighter’s heroic last act against an oppressor.
I detail these examples and so many more which exemplify how the Left is driven by an agenda to change Americans’ fundamental values and to make discerning right from wrong the new blasphemy.
It is an agenda intended to indoctrinate you into the same corrupt moral relativism which rules their world – a Looking Glass world which also absurdly insists freeing the Iraqi people is to be condemned. Where Americans are to sit and do nothing as others suffer. Because you are not to come to judgment. You are to understand that there is no good and no evil. Where the inner child of the depraved and murderous, like Saddam Hussein, is to be ‘understood’ and negotiated with.
For far too long, the cynical malignant narcissists who control Left-wing special interest groups have worked to convince their constituencies that values are dangerous. It’s time we put a stop to that lie.
The war to liberate Iraq has been a terrific first step in reminding the world that America, once again, has the courage to act on what’s right. Whether Leftists here at home and around the globe like it or not.