Originally Posted by pan6467
Not to change the subject, and please explain this to me in another thread....
If China is working to curb our influence and is a "bad guy", then why do we send so many jobs there and why are they given "most favored nation" status by us?
Just curious, I always hear from the right how China hates us, yet they love shipping our jobs over there.... seems to me that's a bad thing to be doing, building your enemy's fortunes.
It's sacrificing nationalistic ideals for profit. Honestly, it's one of the main problems I have with the current republican mindset. China is more dangerous than the USSR ever was, simply because where the USSR was cut off from most of the world, people seemingly can't move fast enough to bring China in, despite having nearly as bad/as bad human rights violations as the former Soviet Union.
More on topic, I liked the Bolton nomination, because I think the UN is a dinosaur, and I think Bolton was the right person to show just how little the current administration thinks about the UN. He would treat it like the joke it is. But this nomination issue brings forward a problem that might be come more and more commonplace-namely, the virtual shutdown of gov't when the pres and congress are split. I honestly see nothing of note being accomplished in the remainder of Bush's term. Little was done even with him having control of congress (at least nominally). Now, it will be a big cockblock contest, with both sides trying to make sure nothing is accomplished while blaming the other. Added to this will be people preparing themselves for the upcoming presidential elections, and Bush will become the lamest of lame duck presidents.