Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Because there is no 'qualifier'. It simply states that a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. It does NOT say that the right of the well regulated militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
If that's the case then why didn't they explain any other amendment? "a free and vigorous press being necessary to the security of a free state" would have been a great prefix to the 1st amendment. Your logic again does not make sense.
which is why T. Jefferson said that 'no freeman shall EVER be debarred the use of arms?
If you want to go based on the intent of T. Jefferson, that means no white landowner will be barred from having a gun.
I'm in no way deluded. They sat around hoping that the davidians would surrender. When they wouldn't, the FBI said enough. People ARE going to come and we'll have a bigger mess on our hands.
Yes, you are. You claim they held off the government for 50 days. It's not hard to hold off the government if the government isn't shooting at you.
And I suppose you wouldn't consider anything reliable unless it came from a congressional report, right?
You seriously think that a responsible journalist considers a congressional report good primary source information? How about something from a newspaper or news magazine? Hell, find me ANY source to back up the outlandish claim you made up.
MOST of us gun owners would LOVE to live in a peaceful and FREE republic. The problem is that WE understand the price of that freedom, where others do not.
MOST of you gun owners don't harbor insane delusions that you can take on the military and win.
Can the government take your property for public use?
Yes, and they've done so many times. Why haven't you firebombed the whitehouse yet? I thought you were ready to defend our freedoms with your guns.
None of my guns has EVER been stolen. What have I done right that others haven't?
1) you're lucky
2) just because you know what you're doing with a gun, storing or shooting it, does not mean everyone else, or even a small majority of everyone else, will know what they are doing.
Now, where does the 2nd Amendment say that a government regulated militia is the ONLY militia?
Hokay, time for some reading comprehension lessons. I have never said a well regulated militia must be a government regulated militia. It can be regulated by the RA in a college dorm for all I care, as long as it's REGULATED. A bunch of fools running around with assault rifles is NOT regulated at all.
It doesn't. Patrick Henry said 'We are the militia, all of us, save a few elected officials.
Yes, we all know Patrick Henry wanted every man to have a gun. Of course, PH was trying to fight a revolution against an actual tyrannical government - not the one you're imagining. There IS a difference.
And yet they wrote one of the most famous documents in the entire world. read your history again.
This doesn't even make sense in the context of what I wrote.
I've consistently said that there are two types of militia, one is the organized and one is the unorganized.
And you've been consistently wrong.
though it COULD be yours when you find yourself in courts pushing your incorrect ideology.
Considering I don't own a gun, and you say you want to fight the tyrannical government, I am guessing that of the two of us it is not I who needs to worry about being in court.
ANY standing army is inherently dangerous to freedom and liberty, according to the founders. Were they wrong?
so we should rewrite or erase any OTHER right that no longer suits its purpose that was originally intended?
If you're going to debate with me, at least try to debate with the right person. I didn't write what these lines are in reply to.