Hello, I'm new and I have a question regarding a hard drive.
I found your site through a search with this drives moel #, and came to this popst, where I see it was jnot reall answered , but a quite some time ago.
I searched and I can't find anything yet, that explains the pins on this drive either. yep it's the same one as the old post too,
a Maxtor 9108d5 .
I have assembled quite a few PCs in my day and seen my share of drives, just not many old Maxtor drives, and none with no real diagram or pin situation like this one, that I can recall. I have seen a Maxtor with at least the pin's solder opints ID'd by MS and CS , master and cable select as far as I have been learned, but this one has none of that.
All I am trying to do is change from master mode to slave mode. I know I will be able to find it if I just keep trying different positions, but I hate to do that knowing there is a rare chance (which seems to always get me) of screwing something up with the wrong connection. I don't know that it will happen on a drive but I don't want to prove that point either.
This really is the bulk of the diagram short of being surrounded by a rectangle, basically:
j50 / on / off
I have one jumper on the two vertical pins to the far left which on the other maxtors I have seen is for the master position, if I remember right.(that could be a problem with my memory as of late)
Just thought I'd ask since I saw it listed here first and it looked as if noone really was familiar, going by the old thread, and I have to say I can relate totally to the original poster, and understood his post , very easily, as he said all there is to say, if you have seen one of these drives.
I probably will have found my answer with my next reboot in a few minutes I am sure.
I just hate to see an unanswered question regardless of how old it is, plus I cruised around some and thought this seemed like nice group of people.
I like to pick people's brains from time to time, (as long as I am not annoying someone) and am happy to help as long as I am able to , correctly (if I am not sure or don't know, you will see those words, I promise, and there's plenty I don't know).
Well nice meeting you and hope to be back , soon, with this used drive working. Well I do have some plans for it so may be a few hours or even tomorrow before I am back.
Still I am glad to have found you people
Take care and thanks.