I said many months ago I would upload some. Tonight I am bored, and figured might as well. These were all shot last January. Spent a week tooling around from south of New Port up to Astoria. Was my only time seeing the ocean. I hadn't been out of Colorado 11 years before then, and haven't been anywhere since. lol.
As you can see, nasty shooting conditions. The lighting was horrid, and was having issues keeping the camera dry. Not to mention I refused to get near the ocean most of the time. I am sure the surf was considered pretty small, but it intimidated me. Only had one day of sun, and as a result of rarely shooting conditions like this had lots of crap.
Recently decided to see if I could "save" a few shots, and also test Nikons conversion software. The framed shots are ones that I converted last year, the others are the ones I decided to try and turn into something (though its hard to make something from crap. Wasn't very successful as you can see). At least 2 I am posting the shot I originally converted, and the one I redid with Nikons software. Anyways, thoughts good or bad are very welcome. Sorry... kinda forgot many of the names of places.
Few crazy surfers.
Fishing boat at sunrise. Didn't come out like I hoped...
Some old lighthouse
Same beach as above shot... different direction.
Heceta Head Lighthouse. 4 shots. The unframed is converted/edited with different software. The framed is the original. Which is better?
Dunno where...
Boiler Bay
Bobs beach
near Otter Crest
The one sunrise we had...
And lastly, Portland and Multnomah falls.
Thanks for taking the time to look. Wish they coulda been better. lol