Originally Posted by willravel
I think that the term must adapt to the times, and it hasn't.
which really means that you believe that the constitution is a living document and MUST be adaptable to the times, right? So the war on drugs and terror can be interpreted to allow drug raids and terror raids on all the houses in your neighborhood because the times dictate so?
Originally Posted by shakran
I think that in keeping with a situation like we're in now, the National Guard should answer to the State alone, and everyone should serve at least in some way in either federal or state military so that if the need for domestic defence should arise, we'd be ready.
ANY standing army is inherently dangerous to freedom and liberty, according to the founders. Were they wrong?
Originally Posted by shakran
We couldn't have a real militia in the sense that is both in keeping with the minds of the framers and in keeping with modern times without massive reforms or revolution....so the ammendment has become vestigal; it's useless and meaningless. It's become so twisted that I could argue it gives me the right to bear arms (apendages of large mammals)
as opposed to the right to bear arms (to hold and own weapons).
so we should rewrite or erase any OTHER right that no longer suits its purpose that was originally intended?
Originally Posted by Xera
reg·u·late (rgy-lt) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "regulated" [P]
tr.v. reg·u·lat·ed, reg·u·lat·ing, reg·u·lates
1. To control or direct according to rule, principle, or law.
2. To adjust to a particular specification or requirement: regulate temperature.
3. To adjust (a mechanism) for accurate and proper functioning.
4. To put or maintain in order: regulate one's eating habits.
I was trying to say that a regulated militia is a group of civilians taking up the role of soldier in times of need- and that that group must have, get this, you'll love it, RULES (cause that is what all that definition of regulation means)
I see other definitions other than 'rules'. Again, regulated does not mean 'government' regulated, otherwise we're not truly free, we're just another force for a government agenda.