Originally Posted by dksuddeth
and well regulated means what to you? I know how jefferson and madison defined it, but how do YOU define it?
I think that the term must adapt to the times, and it hasn't. I think that in keeping with a situation like we're in now, the National Guard should answer to the State alone, and everyone should serve at least in some way in either federal or state military so that if the need for domestic defence should arise, we'd be ready. The problem, of course, is that 1) people are massively lazy and 2) the federal and state governments are crap with the military. People now-a-days are happy to take from the government and piss but aren't willing to do anything in return. Meinwhile, everyone is satisfied with revolving door policies with weapons manufacturers and politicans and using our troops to enforce economic dominance over places we have no business being. The whole thing is a damn mess, and it would actually be easier at this point to start from scratch than to try and fix the sinking boat.
We couldn't have a real militia in the sense that is both in keeping with the minds of the framers and in keeping with modern times without massive reforms or revolution....so the ammendment has become vestigal; it's useless and meaningless. It's become so twisted that I could argue it gives me the right to bear arms (apendages of large mammals)

as opposed to the right to bear arms (to hold and own weapons).