Originally Posted by pan6467
The party needs to be gracious to the voters for the chance to lead, the party needs to listen to the peple and make sure they answer the needs in ways that are fiscally responsive and accountable and they need to show humility.
You know, on a related note... The Dems delivered a "thumpin'" this week that was about on par with the ones they received in 2000 and 2004. I can't help but note the grace with which the GOP is accepting defeat, here. I can't help but think we'd have heard a lot of squealing from Democrats if the results had been a mirror-image of themselves.
It could simply be that the writing was on the wall for several weeks, but still, I give credit to the Republicans for their sportsmanship and for being truly gentlemanly in defeat. I doubt the Democrats would have been so mature.
Now: are politics done? Of course not. But there's a bipartisan spirit now. If we can keep that alive maybe through the next session, we can really get some things done. Part of that means not getting into high dudgeon over trivial matters. I'm not saying we should cede anything that's actually important. I'm just saying we should be careful not to take up a gloating or punitive (or for that matter, defensive) position toward the GOP. Now's time for reaching across the aisle--and for proving to the country that
we have a maturity that
they've been lacking during their tenure.