You know what, stick to the red poppies.
The vetrans have but one day a year that the rest of the country honours them. If they want red, let it be red. The Vetrans earned at least that tiny iota of respect from the rest of us who have enjoyed the freedom that they have provided all of our lives.
BTW, I haven't seen anyone wearing any white poppies.
Whenever I read of stupidity like this, I think of a cartoon I saw in the Globe and Mail on the anniversay of D-Day a couple years ago by Brian Gable.
The sketch showed a WW2 vetran with his cane and medals standing beside a statue of a Canadian soldier leading the charge across the beach with his pack and bayonetter.
Standing in front of the old guy were a couple of 18 year olds with propeller hats on and the one kid says to the old guy, "Did you ever back pack across Europe when you were our age?"
Last edited by james t kirk; 11-09-2006 at 02:33 PM..