Harding was president from 1921 - 1923 so for the last 80 - 85 years Republicans have been referring to the Democratic Party as the "Democrat Party". So it's really nothing new, more like ancient news. Taken from the link you provided .....
"......Hertzberg noted that Republicans "as far back as the Harding Administration" have referred to the "Democrat Party," including late Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) "......
This is the first time I've voted for a Democrat for anything other than a local or county office since 1992 and now I'm starting to remember why. I was hoping we could leave the nit-picking, he said she said crap and the bi-partisanship in the past and move onto to something that will actually move this country forward and more toward the center. To all you Democrats out there, please use this chance wisely and do something positive. Please, don't squander it, don't attempt to go to far left, just bring America back to center ground and please don't nit pick the little things that mean nothing in the big picture.