Who would you fight for? Who first?
This popped into my mind the other day when I was reading about legalizing concealed carry in our state. I do not intend this thread to become a debate about that. But the way some of it was worded made my wonder, not that I would necessarily carry a gun but that I would fight to defend myself. Who ELSE would I fight for...
1. My daughter
2. My husband (Once had the possibility stare me in the face and I suprised myself by stepping up)
3. Myself
4. My parents, inlaws, brother.
5. Neighbors.
Granted if I had to fight for all of them at once I know I'd be incapable of succeeding. This isn't excluding any others but these are the ones who'd likely be a priority for me. I do know that I would definately fight for my daughter a lot sooner than for myself. I'll put up with a lot of rudeness and worse when it's directed at myself but if you direct it at my daughter I'm like a mother bear.
Who would you fight for? and who would you fight for FIRST?
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.