Originally Posted by DaElf
I wasn't trying to sneak anything in by using the word retarded. Gilda's response to that post of mine is like that classic angry black man scenerio. Where the said angry black man exagerates and twists your words to make you racist in his head and prove to himself that your racial bigotry exists.
Does that appear to be an angry response? You're either badly misreading my tone or I did a poor job communicating it there. That wasn't anger, that was amusement. I thought that was funny and picked it up and ran with it.
However, you might want to consider that using certain loaded words with offensive connotations may interfere with clearly communicating your message.
Maybe gilda is trying to prove to her self that being lesbian is ok by lashing outwardly? I don't know but my post hardly deserved such angry attention.
Nah, I
know that there's nothing wrong with being homosexual.
I see a lot of neutral tone there and some amused self-mockery in response to your use of the word "retarded".
You should be aware that if you post your opinion, those who disagree may post responses.
I was saying the purpose to have sex is procreation.
Not all the time. When I have sex with my wife, that surely isn't the purpose. The cool thing about being human rather than a purely instinctive animal is that we get to choose our purpose. The purpose of homosexual sex is pleasure, emotional connection, spiritual connection, a demonstration of love, any of those non-procreative purposes that heterosexuals have.
If you don't have sex to procreate and it's not a choice than there is a cross wire some where in your genetic code.
In male homosexuals, there may be a genetic component, and there is almost certainly a component involving gestational hormones. In female homosexuals, we really don't have enough evidence to say on a broad scale, just a lot of anectdotal evidence.
However, when you say that this is "retarded" or that there is a "cross wire", you imply that there is something wrong with homosexuality, when this is not the case.
Be offended if you want. My post wasn't meant to be offensive. I just didn't know any other way to say it at the time. It also seems likely that I'm not the first to accidently offend gilda in this way so I don't feel so bad.
Again, that wasn't an angry response. I dislike the word used there, and mocked its usage. Read the whole response and see if you find anger there. There isn't any.
I'M OFFENDED. Some one give me a hug.
I'd oblige, but I don't want to make you feel like you do when you see your parents kiss. Maybe there are some heterosexual women in the thread who can oblige you
