I would like to address your issues here:
Issues that I have:
1) I'm jealous of loser guys that have a girlfriend and expend zero or no effort on this and are thus more productive in life than I am.
2) I'm currently pissed off at girls because they get to choose who they grace with their attention.
3) I'm jealous of girls for point #2 above.
4) I feel that college (which is over in a month for me) was a huge missed opportunity which I'll never have again.
5) I have yet to meet an attractive single girl.
6) I feel like destroying a car with my bare hands due to all reasons above.
1. are these looser guys more productive in life because they get the hot girls, or do they get the hot girls because they are more prodictive? Women, like anyone else, do like the idea that there is security in their lives. I don't think I've ever really dated a guy because of his earning potential, but honestly, I think financial security does play a part in creating a sense of security associated with dating.
Also girls get self-esteem issues too. I never realized when I was younger that I was actually pretty. I thought all the cute guys asking me out were making fun of me. If my daughter, who looks just like me, weren't so damn beautiful, I would likely still believe that. Seriously, this is no joke, when I showed my FATHER pics of me at her age, he thought it was her new school pics.
2 and 3.Men get to choose who they go out with too. Girls are just pickier because, really, we can be. if men weren't so preoccupied with sex this would not be true, or if women were more concerned with sex, this would not be true, but since humanity is as it is, not much can be done about it.
4. probably. At least you got an education out of it.
5. Can't say I've ever really looked for pretty single college girls so I'm absolutely not able to comment
6. It would probably hurt, but as long as it's your own car and you don't turn around and file an insurance claim on it, don't see why you can't. I would think that might actually wind up hurting your chances of finding a good woman though. (yes I do realize that was a figure of speach, I'm just being a pain in the ass, that's the way I am.)