Originally Posted by shakran
I completely agree- they shouldn't bother. Trouble is, they DO bother, they DO get guns and then run around thinking they're safe and can shoot the bad guy just like in the movies. The basic problem is that people are basically stupid, especially when it comes to stuff you see a lot of in movies, and frankly can't be trusted to make good decisions. Now, if we're talking about chewing tobacco that's one thing. If people want to be stupid with that, go for it, it won't hurt me. But when we're talking about a lethal object designed specifically to kill, then to not have any regulations making it much harder for the stupid to get their hands on it, that's insane.
Wouldn't that be the reason for long prison terms? It USED to be, and still should be, completely unconstitutional to make laws that criminalize possession because you MIGHT commit a crime.
Originally Posted by shakran
That's right, which means we need to protect society from the idiots.
why should we let idiots rule our lives and how we conduct society? Wouldn't it make more sense to lock the idiot away once he's proven him/herself incapable of NOT being an idiot? does to me anyway.
Originally Posted by shakran
Yeah, but then there's that whole sticky "well regulated militia" clause which clearly shows that the intent of the framers was to have an armed and. .well. . .well-regulated populace to keep the government in check. The intent was NOT to have a bunch of idiots running around shooting the wrong people.
getting off topic, but 'well-regulated' never has meant 'government' regulated. The 'well-regulated' militia was ALL of us citizens, not government officials or standing armies, being familiar with weapons, knowing how to use them, and being as well armed as the standing army. As for idiots shooting the wrong people, Here is a quote from the Arkansas
Supreme Court "To Prohibit a citizen from wearing or carrying a war arm is
an unwarranted restriction upon the constitutional right to keep and bear
arms. If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with
army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege".