Originally Posted by Sage
Come to terms with your penis size, deal with your "erection" issues, learn to please a woman in bed naturally, and quit being pussified into medicating your "problems" away.
For once, I'm going to take the "to each their own" position. No offense, but you lose all penile credibility simply because of your gender. These are pretty complex tools we've got here, and you're making an argument that we should be able to fix something like a car engine simply by the power of our thought.
There's a great deal of cognitive dissonance here, simply becuase I attribute many problems like depression to purely mental causes. However, I think we're not just talking about a "mental" issue, Sage. Every man, and consequently every penis, can be different. Some people recieve less blood, some people recieve more. Some are stimulated much more quickly, some are stimulated more slowly. This is exacerbated by the fact there are tens of millions of people who no matter how much they
will it, cannot miraculously create an erection. The blood simply isn't there.
I happen to be about the middle of the road when it comes to duration, but I wouldn't put it past someone to last five seconds if it felt
really good. I wouldn't say this is really a problem, but some women would. If they're asking (and rightfully so) for a longer duration, then why would a drug that assists them be a problem?
The way I look at it, premature ejacuation is either:
(a) genitals are too sensitive
(b) partner is incredibly attractive, new, or trying something new
(c) man is incredibly aroused prior to intercourse (lots of foreplay)
A can be fixed by this drug or masturbation. Just because I opt for the latter doesn't mean someone shouldn't be given the opportunity to opt for the former. Further still, masturbation may not be enough. Enter this drug.
B may diminish with time. If it it does not, then the solution is either the drug or beating the woman with an ugly stick until he is no longer attracted to her.
C can be limited, knowing the condition.