Originally Posted by jorgelito
I wonder though, even with a changing of the guard, will there still be real change or business as usual? Or will it turn into a stalemate? I understand what you are saying about bringing it back to the 2-party. But I'm of the mind that we need to get to a 3 or 4-party before things get real interesting.Interesting that Lieberman won as an Independent. Are there any other independents out there?
Bernie Sanders is also a Senate independent, but he is an independent like Lieberman and I wouldn't count Lieberman as a real independent. He's stated time and time again that he'll vote Democrat and that he is only an Indie because he lost that primary. Both are strongly Dem leaning, middle of the road guys.
I hope there will be change and that if there is a stalemate that it won't come from this new Congress. I don't really believe in a multiparty run-off style election system and even if you are behind I think we can agree it won't be happening here anytime soon. Regardless, we are talking about a real check on the executive and that's what this election was about.