You guys all gave me some good feedback so here goes...
I've noticed that older (~30yo) women seem to "get" me better. Otherwise, you *are* missing a minor detail, and it *is* a musical weakness, but I keep that shit under wraps!
Awesome idea, I'll definitely try that the next time I call a girl. If for no other reason than to avoid being turned down. In the last couple of months I've adopted this caveman approach of "Let's go do something. No? Fine. Next! ....... Hi, how are you?" Maybe not the best? I should chill out like before I had the guts to ask girls out. I have to admit, with no goal (like asking them out) I was probably much more laid back.
Others I know have also mentioned that I might be acting incongruous with my image. Problem is I either have to learn to act like a movie badass or dress like Bill Gates. And I *am* going after the wrong kind, I know this, but the nice, normal girls around here get married at 18 and have kids or something. I just can't find them. I know I know, join a club, etc.
What? Maybe me not understanding your post shows a horrible lack of something on my part... I dunno, please explain.
See, this is why I feel like a retard for being single in college. Everybody just assumes hot coeds are carted in like produce. I'm a Computer Science major and I haven't had a female classmate since my last gen-ed class 2 years ago. My time outside of class is spent in the computer lab with people who are either equally eligible or married to their middle school sweetheart. I can only dream of doing like my roommate does and "get together and study" and wrap up the night by going for some drinks and more... A club though, is an excellent idea; I regularly go to the indoor climbing place on campus, but that hasn't panned out yet. I've learned to like climbing, if that matters...
I've read about that, but I haven't been able to do this yet. I've done the first 30 seconds "properly" by accident once or twice but it got messed up about 2 months later. I definitely am the funny/polite/friendly type.
@Terminal Frost
I don't have many close friends, and those that I do pretty much left their friends hundreds of miles away. So the friends-of-friends thing doesn't apply. Plus, I've moved 3 times this year, so keeping in touch with friendgirls is tough. But yeah, you're absolutely right, I do better over the long run.
LOL... ahem. Yes, you hit the nail on the head. I just KNOW I'm chickenshit about "doing" anything with girls. Last party I went to the fire alarm went off and I found myself outside alone with this one girl. I KNOW I should've done something, but it was too fucking cold. Teeth chattering cold. Would you have tried it in that situation?
I think I wrote all that to avoid working on my paper, but I wanted to comment on what you guys said. Thanks again.