LONDON - A drug designed to treat premature ejaculation works well and is safe, researchers said on Friday.
Dapoxetine, an antidepressant known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), is the first treatment specifically for premature ejaculation.
Last October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration declined to approve the drug. The company said it would continue to develop the treatment and would address questions raised by the FDA.
Now, I have taken SSRIs and this was one of the side effects. It didn't do anything for me in terms of satisfying a woman since I was single, and it was even kind of hard to reach orgasm every once and a while. But, I did have to take it everyday (which kept the headaches and dizziness side effects away). That is the only medical reason that I could see why the FDA didn't approve it. I guess the fact that you would have 2/3rd of the men in this country taking some kind of drug before having sex might be another problem. (1/3 taking Viagra, the other 1/3 taking this to last longer)