Originally Posted by cj2112
I find it very telling that the same people who were screaming about the republicans wanting to rape the environment, are now screaming about the move away from paper ballots.
Some things (like, say, preserving our democracy) are worth using a few trees.
I find it very telling that the people screaming about the values our troops are fighting for are willing to ignore the integrity of the electoral process--the very foundation of our whole democratic system and the very thing at the CORE of what our troops are fighting for.
(See, cj? Two can play the straw-man game!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Election fixing charges fly in Utah county
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Voting appears to be very popular in Daggett County, Utah.
Daggett County has registered 947 voters for Tuesday's election. According to the most recent Census figures, that's four more than the county's population in 2005.
A spokesman for Attorney General Mark Shurtleff says complaints of vote-stuffing in the county are being investigated. Democrats suspect County Clerk Vickie McKee is letting outsiders swell the Daggett County registration rolls to give Republicans an advantage. The Democrats also say the father of a Republican deputy running for sheriff has 14 adults registered at his household. McKee hasn't responded to messages from The Associated Press.