Those that say it is a choice only need to look to themselves and ask, when did I choose to be hetero? Answering honestly you have to say that you didn't. You acted on your own personal urges. Why would you default to thinking that it would be different for someone who is homosextual? Because they are different than you it must be a choice? Did you choose to have blue eyes or brown eyes? Brown hair or Blonde hair? Did you choose to be bald? Maybe more relevant, did you choose to be outgoing, shy, caring, domineering? No, these are traits you are born into and they make up who you are.
Imagine how difficult it would be for you to choose to act against your sexual urges. How can you imagine that others could do that on a regular basis. I can't.
I've actually had lengthy conversations with my brother about this very topic. Early on he claims he would have done anything to not be gay, to not be a social outcast that he felt like. How can that be deemed as a choice to be gay when inside he is tearing himself apart tyring to reconcile why he is different than everyone else? Now, later in life, he is far more comfortable with himself as is...which I think is great.
"If something has to give then it always will."
-- Editors