Originally Posted by FoolThemAll
Okay, I'll go even more slowly, since the obvious response is already in your post:
They. DO. have. a. choice. They. can. leave.
They shouldn't have to? They don't have to. It's up to them whether they value the job enough to assume its costs. They DON'T have a right to that job and they DON'T have a right to modify it to their liking.
You're still not getting this, sport, and I'm having trouble figuring out if you're being purposely obtuse about it or not. If you're worried about feeding your family you sometimes do things that are detrimental to your own health because you have an asshole employer who insists on exposing you to dangerous conditions in the name of profit. It is the job of government to protect its citizens from conditions like that. People should not have to make the choice between eating and getting cancer. You are arguing that they should. That indicates a complete lack of concern for your fellow human beings. Fuck 'em all, as long as I get my nicotine. Well, some of us have evolved beyond such selfish attitudes.
I didn't pull a stupid and decide to start smoking. it's YOUR habit, YOUR addiction, and if YOU make idiotic choices despite knowing the risks, that's your lookout. Don't drag ME down with you.
"then go smoke in your own property"
That's actually exactly what I'm arguing for. The owners decide whether smoke is allowed on their own property.
The restaurant is not YOUR private property. It is a public place, whether you like it or not. Public places have to maintain certain healthy conditions. They don't get to serve you rotting meat, they don't get to mince up the rat with the hamburger, and they don't get to masturbate into the pasta. If they do, they're severely punished, even though it was the diner's choice to eat there.