Originally Posted by radioguy
i made that choice when i started to become sexually aroused by women, not men. knowing that there are men out there i could like if i wanted too, makes me think that it's a choice. i chose not to be attracted to men.
i've never been to a "christian conversion" convention or even heard of those, so i have no idea what goes on there or who says what at those places about being gay.
it doesn't sound like you made a choice at all. you noticed that you were sexually aroused by women. and you "chose" to follow your biological impulse. that's not a choice. that's like saying "well, i felt like my body needed oxygen, but it was a choice to breathe."
unfortuantly, i cant' remember what the "degayification" places/seminars/counseling are actually called, hopefully someone else can help out with that. from what i've read about them though, you have gay christians going to them hoping that they can be "cured" of their affliction. and it ends up just being psychologically tramatizing.